Thursday, May 10, 2007

Call 911!

(Double click on the picture, to get a larger image)

Well, it wasn't that bad, but it did involve a trip to the Emergency Room for stitches.
We were leaving Wal-Mart and I opened the door to the car, just as Jenna walked right into the corner. There was a lot of blood and the cut looked pretty deep, so I got her in the car (Jenna is screaming, as everyone in the parking lot looks over at us) and we headed over to the hospital. Lucky for us it was not busy and once Jenna was calmed down, I wanted to wipe off some of the blood so that I could get a closer look. Jenna refused - "Mom, the doctor going to check it!"
Once the doctor, an intern, and a nurse came, they wrapped her up in a sheet so that she couldn't move her body. Then the intern and nurse got ready to hold her head so that the doctor could apply the freezing. Jenna was a rock - she didn't move an inch nor did she shed a tear. The nurse even left the room, realizing that this was not going to be as bad as she thought. The doctor stuck her with the freezing needle 3 or 4 times. Then the doctor gave her three stitches and sent her on her way. And still no tears! I still can't believe it and if I wasn't there, I don't think I would believe how calm she stayed.
We got home and had supper and after supper she was off on her bike to help get the mail. She had a bath and then I gave her some special medicine (Tylenol) because I thought she might have a head ache. Once she climbed into bed, she was asleep in seconds. It definitely didn't seem to faze her.

The stitches come out next week. Hopefully, that process goes a smoothly as getting the stitches.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Congratulations to Marcie & Kelly Smith on the arrival of Luke Henri. Luke was born almost two months after Brooklyn ( April 29). Here is Brooklyn at two months and Luke at one week. It is amazing what a difference two months and a lot of milk will do to a baby!

They both look a little annoyed at their mothers trying to take a picture of them while they are trying to nap.
Brooklyn is now two months old and I can't believe how much she has grown. She was 11 lbs 10 oz when I took her for her immunizations on May 1. She is settling in to a nice routine and is starting to become much more alert. And, most importantly, she is starting to sleep longer at night. She also learned how to smile. The best time to catch a smile is in the morning when she is getting dressed.
Jenna finished Gymnastics for the year. The kids spent time on the balance beams, bars, trampoline, and floor. At the start of the year Jenna was a little hesitant about some of the equipment, especially the balance beam, but by the end of the year she was walking across it all on her own. She had a great time and still asks "do I have nastics tomorrow?"